lunes, 2 de febrero de 2009

electricidad en el automovil (control de la bateria , testigos ,simbolos electicos )

1. Voltage exceeding 12.35 volts

2. with the engine stopped, turn on lights, fans, thermal lunette (causing a consumption of 10 to 20 Amperes), the battery voltage must remain above the 10.5 volts after a minute of running

3. Cutting the current consumption the battery voltage has to rise to 11.95 in less than a minute.

4. Operate the starter motor; the voltage does not drop below 9.50 voltios.Temperatura normal. Low temperatures supports up to 8.50 volts

5. With the engine at a speed of 300 rpm, you must provide a load of approximately 10 Amperes; the voltage should be stabilized between 13.80 and 14.40 volts. As the battery is charging, the flow should stabilize over 1 Amp.

1 comentario:

  1. me parese que iso una exlente investigacion sobre cada uno de los temas estan bien buenos
